Diabetes is usually an immune disease, so it is not easy to treat. Extreme
thirst, frequent urination, hunger, blurred vision and fatigue are the common
symptoms for Diabetes. As we know, Diabetes refers to the pancreas fails to
produce insulin which can adjust the sugar level in blood, thus leading to many
symptoms. Therefore, the injection of insulin is the main treatment for patients
with Diabetes.
How insulin functions in the body?
It is well known to us that insulin is produced by the pancreas, which helps
glucose to move out of the blood into cells throughout the body where it is used
for fuel. If there is not enough insulin or the insulin can not work properly to
transfer the blood sugar into cells to play as fuel, there would be high blood
sugar level. So, it is necessary for patients with Diabetes take insulin to keep
sugar level steady. However, patients with Diabetes will resist to injecting
insulin for insulin brings them lots of problems. It is inconvenient for them to
take the insulin for the medicine should be store in a cold place, such as
fridge. To the young patients, they may miss some parties for they need inject
insulin before meal. It is better for them heave meal at home. Some patients
with Diabetes can not bear the pain for the injection everyday. There are so
many problems, so most patients want to take a new treatment which is easy and
effective. With the development of Stem Cells, Stem Cells Transplant is applied
in treating Diabetes and the effects are good.
With the functions of self-renewing and multiple differentiation, stem cells
can repair the damaged pancreatic cells. The main functions of stem cells for
treating Diabetes are as following:
1. Improving the secreting ability of insulin. Though most patients with
Diabetes have problems with their pancreas when they were born, there are still
chance for them to repair it. Stem cells can generate new cells to replace the
dead cells, thus recovering the function. In addition, if patients have the
disease for less than 5 year, the effects are obviously better than the one who
has the disease for a long time. Of course, the specific effects depend on
patients' real condition.
2. Changing the immunity of the people.
Diabetes can decrease patients' immunity. We usually meet some patients who
said they are sensitive to weather and they are easy to catch a cold. To some
degree, Diabetes is a disease on the blood circulation, so it will lead to many
complications. If the immunity can be improved, these symptoms can also be
relieved. Stem cells have the ability to improve immunity.
3. Promoting blood vessels regeneration ability.
As we said above, Diabetes can do harm to blood circulation, thus leading to
series of disease. After transplanting stem cells, the cells can generate blood
vessels, thus improving the blood circulation. It is one of the main functions
of stem cells.
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