Thursday, June 27, 2013

Can a Lady with Nephrotic Syndrome Conceive?

Can a lady with Nephrotic Syndrome conceive? Nephrotic Syndrome is a chronic kidney disease, which is not very easy to cure and the recurrence rate is high. As for young ladies, they also consider one more question: can they conceive? Firstly, we would like to introduce the harm that conceiving will bring.
1. Renal insufficiency caused by low albumin in the plasma, which leads to the low growth of fetus or baby who is born in advance.
2. Conceiving or pregnancy can give more burden to the kidney, for there are two persons in one body. In this case, mother will eat more, drink more. However, there are only two kidneys.
3. Since mother is suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome, she will take in some western medicine such as hormone, hypotensor, and so on, which will do great harm to the fetus.
Considering these, we can get a conclusion that ladies with Nephrotic Syndrome had better not have a baby. So there will come another question: when they can have a baby. Please do not worry. Experts in kidney disease field give you the following advice.
1. After all the indexes turn normal such as protein in urine, red blood cells in urine, and so on, ladies can consider having a baby.
2. After patients stopped using medicine for at least half a year, they can consider being pregnant for there will be medicine in mother’s body which may do harm to little fetus’ health.
3. Ladies who have no high blood pressure and infection in urinary tract can consider conceiving.
4. After renal biopsy, patients find out that there is only slight pathological damage in the kidney.
Last but not least, when ladies with Nephrotic Syndrome want to have a baby, they had better ask the doctors for advice firstly.
Last but not least, ladies with Nephrotic Syndrome are also concerned about the treatment of it. Considering the side effects of some medicine and the harm it may bring to the fetus in the future, ladies with Nephrotic Syndrome are suggested to use Chinese Medicine, the medicine of which is abstracted from traditional Chinese medicine, which is quite different from western medicine for there happens a series of chemical reaction in the body. For more information about Chinese Medicine, please consult us on line or email us.

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