Thursday, August 29, 2013

How chronic nephritis into salt water taken

All say chronic nephritis pay special attention on the diet, especially for salt intake, even more than some people say that chronic nephritis patients should avoid salt water rationing. What is this?
Chronic nephritis patients often kidney platoon sodium capacity drops, salt and water retention in the bloodstream and cause intravascular volume increase, blood pressure, heart failure, serious can appear at the same time increase the glomerulus internal pressure, accelerate the renal damage. Intravascular excessive moisture can also since endovascular leakage edema formation, such as eyelid edema, lower limb edema until anasarca, even in the chest, abdomen, pericardial effusion. As a result, chronic nephritis patients should limit the intake of salt and water.
In that case, chronic nephritis "eat salt less is better", this is right?
Some patients think that chronic nephritis patients eat salt water is bad, that is "eat salt less is better", or even disable salt, which is totally wrong, and dangerous. Normal kidney has a very good bartender sodium ability, namely, when the body of sodium, sodium kidneys will be significantly reduced, to ensure that the sodium in the body is not too low.
Chronic nephritis patients of renal sodium ability, the body of sodium, so kidney platoon sodium, over time, can form the hyponatremia, patients feel languid, drop in blood pressure, serious still can appear brain edema, life-threatening.
So, chronic nephritis must avoid salt? Xi 'an tongji kidney disease hospital experts to answer: whether chronic nephritis patients avoid salt depends on whether the following one of three situations:
1. Chronic nephritis patients have obvious edema.
2. The chronic nephritis patients have obvious symptoms of high blood pressure.
3. Poor renal function in patients with chronic nephritis, glomerular filtration function decline.
If the patient appears when one of the above three conditions should limit salt intake, it is advisable to 2 to 3 grams per day. For no obvious edema, hypertension, nephritis patients with normal renal function, avoid salt or ban salt is not desirable, the intake of slightly less than the average person can only.
So how to properly taken into salt water?
Caused edema, hypertension, chronic nephritis patients to eat too much salt and too little to hyponatremia, or more, a lot of to the most appropriate. So, how to do in our daily life ability according to the different condition of scientific master?
With no edema, hypertension, and reduced the volume of urine of patients and suggest any "limit salt water". Normal average daily salt intake, the northern people taste is heavy, about 10 to 15 grams, southerners for about 5-10 grams. To this part of the patients, it is recommended that the daily salt intake of 5 grams, eating light is given priority to, unfavorable eat pickles, pickled products, etc. Water can not limit, but it is best to drink plain boiled water, don't drink tea. Because tea will affect iron absorption, easy to cause anemia. Of course, the sodium salt of condiments such as soy sauce, MSG (monosodium glutamate) also should be limited, cooking can convert sugar, vinegar flavor.
For have edema, high blood pressure or reduced the volume of urine of patients, should be "water salt double limit", namely the strict limits on water and salt intake. Recommended daily salt intake for 3 g, for water, soup, porridge, high water content and fruit shall be limited as far as possible.
Above is the expert's introduction, hope for your help, xi 'an tongji hospital I wish you recover at an early date!

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