Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hemolytic Anemia Chronic Renal Failure

Hemolytic anemia means that the damage of red blood cells accelerates, but the compensation of marrow’s hematopoietic function is not sufficient. If bone marrow can increase the generation of red blood cells, which can replace when short survival time of red blood cell, anemia will not take place. We call this condition decompensated hemolytic disease. Hemolytic anemia is rarely seen.
Hemolytic anemia can be caused by chronic renal failure, which is one kind of anemia caused by chronic renal failure. Why do patients with chronic renal failure have anemia? When patients develop into kidney failure stage, the secretion of hemopoietin which is short for EPO, decreases. So the hematopoietic function of marrow declines. EPO is produced in the kidney, which arrives marrow through blood circulation and then adjusts the marrow to produce red blood cells. In chronic kidney failure stage, the production of EPO is not enough, which leads to the low level of red blood cells in the body, thus causing anemia.
If not treated well, hemolytic anemia will worsen chronic renal failure in turn. Chinese Medicine can relieve the insufficiency of blood and oxygen in the vessels of the kidney, thus repairing the damaged intrinsic cells and reviving renal function. In this case, red blood cells will be generated and hemolytic anemia will disappear.

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