Thursday, August 22, 2013

Renal failure patients need a low-fat diet

Renal failure patients need a low-fat diet? In order to take preventive measures and chronic nephritis, nephropathy patients should take preventive measures and treatment, prevent disease to the direction of kidney failure.
Aggravating edema, heart failure, or water intoxication. If the urine volume in 1000 ml above, there are complications such as edema, hypertension, heart failure, is not necessary to limit the intake of water.
To reduce the food rich in saturated fatty acids (e.g., animal fat, fat pork, chicken skin, etc.) of the intake; To increase the intake of unsaturated fatty acids (such as vegetable oil, fish oil, etc.). Try not to eat or eat less animal internal organs, can eat more foods rich in soluble fiber food, such as oats, buckwheat, rice bran, etc.
50% ~ 60% must be the product of high quality protein contains essential amino acids, such as eggs, milk, fish, lean meat and other animal protein; Try to eat less food containing rich plant protein, such as peanuts, beans and its products, because this kind of material contains more than essential amino acids, cannot satisfy the needs of the body. In order to plant protein restriction, wheat starch (dearing surface) can be used instead of rice, flour staple food.
Kidney failure patients should also for high-calorie diet, some of the calories consumed more than ordinary. Daily calories should be not less than 30 kcal per kilogram of body weight, thin appropriately increased, fat person appropriate reduced. To absorb enough quantity of heat, can edible vegetable oil and sugar.
A low-fat diet is also important to give patients a side, the consequences of excessive fat is the worsening of the disease. Hyperlipidemia is one of the factors to promote progress in renal failure, at the same time of drug treatment, diet control is indispensable. Kidney failure patients drinking water not excessive, otherwise easy to cause some problems. How much water must also make appropriate adjustments according to the actual circumstances of the patients. If with less urine, edema, hypertension, heart failure, etc., must be strictly controlled in water; Dialysis patients also want to control water, in order to avoid large amounts of fluid accumulation in the body,
For patients with kidney failure, can add some more protein, etc., help to delay the renal failure. The basic principle is quality low-protein diet. If feel hungry, can eat sweet potato, taro, potato, water chestnut powder, HuaiShan powder, lotus lotus root starch, apple, etc. If it is due to renal failure, as a result of diabetes, to control the intake of sugary substance would be appropriate.
In regulating measures, part of the diet is very important. Generally should give patients a low fat diet, and to give patients a certain amount of water, not too much, lest cause dropsy. Kidney disease if not when the treatment time, is likely to develop kidney failure, and kidney failure is a kind of disease is very serious, can make the life of the patients under serious threat. Especially patients during treatment, need to be focused on the patient's diet, you need to follow certain basic principles.
Patients with kidney failure such a serious kidney disease, all aspects of daily life is best to design some strict, avoid aggravating illness phenomenon occurs because of the improper care. Especially in the aspect of the patient's diet, low fat diet and a moderate amount of water is the most basic requirements.

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